The 10 Best Khaana Mashups
Mixing different kinds of food together to make one heavenly combination is an art we’ve perfected after trying and testing so many khaana mashups! Here’s a round-up of ten of our favourites:
1. Chai and Biscuit The classic khaana mashup! Is chai-time even chai time if we don’t tip biscuits and tea?
2. Custard and Fish Fingers Lovers of sci-fi and fantasy will absolutely love this mashup! Dr. Who’s favourite thing to eat, and we’re slowly developing a severe liking for it too!
3. Fruits with Spices Fruits cut into small slices, sprinkled with namak, mirch and chaat masala – soo good! Our favourite is watermelon with kaali mirch and mangoes with lal mirch!
4. Chips and Ice-cream Late night munchies made soo much better with this mashup! Chips with ice-cream taste heavenly together and we cannot get enough of this combo!
5. Cheese and Tomatoes Cheese has to be one of the greatest blessings we have! With tomatoes it tastes exquisite! Try this khaana mashup with bread or croissants!
6. Aam and Parathas One of Multan’s most well-loved khaana mashups! Nothing can compare, we repeat, nothing can compare to the bliss and joy you feel when you have two of the best creations in the universe together: parathas and mangoes!
7. Peanut Butter and Jelly The best cure to mid-day cravings! We just can’t have enough of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches!
8. Malai and Jam Sandwich There’s nothing quite as filling and tempting as the union of malai and jam in a sandwich!
9. Cheese Pizza with Melted Chocolate A hot slice of pizza, sprinkled with chocolate sauce is scrumptiously delicious!
10. Mangoes and Dahi Definitely our favourite khaana mashup! Mango with dahi is truly a taste of heaven!