10 Tasty & Slimming Foods
It’s no secret that everyone dreams to eat as much as they can without gaining weight. If you’re trying to lose weight or want to make the switch to healthier eating habits, here are some items which not only help in weight loss but they taste great as well!
Made full of chickpeas and can be eaten with vegetables, this Mediterranean dish is not only low in calories and high in protein but it also fills you up, keeping you full for longer.
Scrambled eggs
Eggs is every body-builder’s staple food because of their high protein content. It should also be yours too because these too are low in calories and keep you full for a long time.
Lentils (Daal)
Yes, daal is one of the most unknown healthy foods you can have (without rice, of course). Daal is high in fibre and protein. It’s a healthy food that will keep you from gaining weight and it tastes splendid!
Spinach is low in calories and high in nutrients. You can have spinach with lean chicken or just by itself and you’ll notice a change in your health and your waist.
Whey protein
Yes, this may seem odd but protein powder does taste great! It’s high in protein, keeps you full and has an essential amino acid that promotes lean muscle and fat loss. Whey protein comes in many delicious flavours too!
Peanut butter
Peanut butter may contain fat but there is a difference between unhealthy and healthy fats. Peanut butter contains the latter. It satisfies cravings and can even be used in smoothier and eaten on brown bread!
When they’re in season this magical fruit is rich in minerals and vitamins. It’s also a natural diuretic which will help you stay slimmer.
Fish like salmon and tuna are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help make your metabolism more efficient by burning fat.
You can have channas with vegetables as a healthy snack. They’re high in fibre and good source of protein.
Full of healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids nuts of all kinds will help you lose weight and keep you full.