10 Unexpected Things That Happen When You Start Cooking
1. You’re prone to a lot of accidents and mishaps From throwing the match on the burner to turn the stove on to minor cuts on your fingers, your first few experiences in the kitchen are bound to leave you plastered.
2. You discover the wonderful world of grocery stores Aisles on aisles of different products that you didn’t even know existed; and you slowly start to learn what is where. The countless hours that Ami spent at Agha’s or Al-Fateh finally begin to make sense
3. Cookbooks and Pinterest become your best friends You start going through different recipes and blogs online while whiling away the hours at work and keep saving recipes you see on Pinterest that you cannot wait to try
4. You start to actually understand the art of substitution Whole eggs can be substituted for egg whites; butter can be substituted for margarine. You learn to make the best from what you have
5. You start to love the compliments you receive And that’s one of best things about cooking! People love the food you cook and even start taking your suggestions
6. And you also start to feel bad when you think of all the times you’ve complained about food You suddenly start appreciating all the hard work Ami used to put into making your meals and you feel guilty for all the times you complained about eating bhindi for dinner again
7. Concocting your own recipes Chicken qeema with pasta and melted cheddar cheese is totally a thing
8. You start to understand what food item is made from which ingredients And you even start subconsciously judging what you would add differently to make it taste better
9. You begin to eat healthy and save money Because you’re eating out less frequently
10. And best of all, left-over food is a thing of the past! Once you’ve gotten the hang of making mazaydaar, masalaydaar biryani, you just don’t want to settle for kal ki daal and roti